Sahaja Dharma Sejahtera

Thank you for your interest in our project. Sahaja was founded by 5 practitioners, academics, researchers and consultans passionate about health, happy, and prosperous ageing.

Help our foundation with your donation to improve the quality of life for older people, helping them become healthy, happy, and prosperous.


Older People in Indonesia

The number of older people in Indonesia continues to increase year by year. As of 2023, around 12% or 29 million of Indonesia’s total population are older people, and this figure is projected to rise to 20% or around 50 million people by 2045. On the other hand, many older people in Indonesia live alone or only with their spouse. About 7.10% of older people live alone, and 22.07% live only with their spouse, without adequate family support. Moreover, many of them, around 10.04%, belong to the underprivileged group, facing difficulties in accessing healthcare services and basic needs.


Sahaja Work Program

Sahaja Foundation offers a variety of programs designed to improve the quality of life for older people through healthcare services, education, and community support. The foundation’s two main initiatives play a crucial role in empowering families, caregivers, and communities to provide better care for older people.

We Can't Help Everyone, But Everyone Can Help Someone


Coverage of Older People Served


Home Visit





Sahaja Caring

Health & well-being

The program focuses on older people’s health check-ups and provides assistance with medications and basic food supplies.

Sahaja Training

Education & training

Training for caregivers in caring for older people, enabling them to provide more effective and quality support.

Recent Causes

Explore Our Causes

Here are some health conditions of the older people that we are caring for.


older patients

With Parotid Tumor D

The classification of tumors in the parotid gland, which is the largest salivary gland located in front of and slightly below the ear, can lead to swelling around the jaw, pain, difficulty swallowing, or even problems with the facial nerves.


older patients

With Carcinoma

Cancer that originates from epithelial cells, which are the cells that line the surfaces of organs in the body, such as the skin, glands, or internal organ linings. Skin carcinoma can cause changes in the color, size, or shape of moles or spots on the skin.


older patients

With PD and COPD

Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects motor control, causing tremors, stiffness, and balance issues, while Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a chronic lung condition that leads to difficulty breathing due to airway obstruction.


Voices of Our Beneficiaries

Thank you for sharing your voices regarding the positive experiences you’ve had with the healthcare services we provide. By sharing these stories, we hope to inspire the wider community to take greater interest in the well-being of older people and support our efforts to deliver better and more meaningful healthcare services.



I think the itchiness is gone on my dad. The doctor and nurse very good 👍🙏🙏🙏



SAHAJA training is very enjoyable; the training provided has been extremely helpful in allowing me to take better care of my parents at home.


Older People

Sometimes we find it difficult to get adequate medical attention, but with this community service event, we can meet doctors and nurses who are ready to listen to and respond to our concerns, which makes us very happy.